Hoi Guys! So lately i've been trying out a whole bunch of different looks with make-up. I've never been very good with make-up so thought i'd try out improving my skills. One major thing I couldn't do was the smokey eye T.T I don't know but however hard I try it never turns out decent. So me being me, I just kept trying and thought I would experiment with more lighter, subtle colours so if it goes wrong it's not too obvious (I normally test out make-up skills before I go out, so don't want to go out with seriously messed up make-up >.<) Introducing the pink smokey eye! I tried to keep eyeliner to a minimum because I didn't want it to overpower the look. The camera did really not reflect the colours well at all! *sigh* Sorry that all the picture's are not consistent because of the lighting I had to change positions and everything =.= but I hope you get a sort of idea. ..and yes, I had a giant pimpl...
The ins-and-outs of life.