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Showing posts from March, 2014

Experimenting with Pink Make-up!

Hoi Guys!  So lately i've been trying out a whole bunch of different looks with make-up. I've never been very good with make-up so thought i'd try out improving my skills.  One major thing I couldn't do was the smokey eye T.T I don't know but however hard I try it never turns out decent. So me being me, I just kept trying and thought I would experiment with more lighter, subtle colours so if it goes wrong it's not too obvious (I normally test out make-up skills before I go out, so don't want to go out with seriously messed up make-up >.<)  Introducing the pink smokey eye! I tried to keep eyeliner to a minimum because I didn't want it to overpower the look. The camera did really not reflect the colours well at all! *sigh* Sorry that all the picture's are not consistent because of the lighting I had to change positions and everything =.= but I hope you get a sort of idea. ..and yes, I had a giant pimpl...

**REVIEW** Etude House - Collagen moistfull firming eye cream

Hello again guys!  So, I always dread looking for skincare products once I've finished mine, especially when the previous one I was using was not effective enough then I have to look into completely new products.  Don't get me wrong sometimes the new products work wonderfully but others you just want to let out a big sigh. This is why reviews are here! You can get an insight into the product by other people's opinions. Etude House. Home to cute packaging. Out of of their products I have tried, I must say they've worked well for me .. Until I bought this one. Etude House's Collagen Moistfull firming eye cream. Disappointing. I've been using this for quite some time now, I would say aprrox. 2 months... and there is still so much left =0!   Thick gel- kind of like jelly The consistency is a very thick gel type cream, before purchasing I had read that it is very moisturizing for the skin and me having dry areas around my eyes thoug...

**REVIEW** Kiss me heroine impact frame & curl mascara

Hellooooo~ I know this might be a bit late but today i'm going to review a mascara from the kiss me heroine line ^^ This is the impact frame & curl mascara! I initially tried this out a few years ago but for some reason I didn't think much of it, I was possibly using a different mascara which i liked at that time xD But... I re-tried this mascara and O.M.G. it is one of the best mascara's I have tried!  Okok, so I forgot to take a picture when I got it so here's one from the internet ^^ When the mascara was applied  As you can see there is length and separation without the clumps! Works perfectly with both top and bottom lashes and stays put for the WHOLE day!! (winner!)  Light as a feather on your lashes although when you feel them they are rock-hard (guess that was makes that staying power!)  When i wear this it, I couldn't say that it doesn't smudge but it is very minimal, especially to comparing to the others i...