Hi guys! So you've probably heard of the latest craze; Dermacol's Make-up cover originating in Prague. It is advertised to be: * Waterproof * Hypoallergenic * High Coverage etc. * Long Lasting * Cruelty Free This product seemed like the perfect type of foundation for me so I read a few articles and watched a few youtube videos but I was reluctant on trying since my skin is so sensitive/ dry. A few days later, I thought hey, I'm running out of foundation, why not try and see. I got it on Ebay for £5.99 (shade 218) however, there are cheaper ones available but I was worried about authenticity so I went for a more trusted seller. 3 days later, I received my Dermacol (30 g). Firstly, this product made some interesting claims (including the ones mentioned above): * Alcholol free * Ammonia Free * Paraben free * Minerals * Sun protection (SPF 30) * Vitamins * Non-comedogenic (Doesn't block your pores) Now sadly, I threw away its packaging in attempt to...
The ins-and-outs of life.