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Showing posts from April, 2014

Recent obsession; Pu-er tea!

I LOVE PU-ER TEA ( 普洱茶) !!  I've always told my family how I really like the taste of the tea we get served in Chinese restaurants, but I never knew what it was called... Until recently.  My Family and I were in a restaurant in Hong Kong and the waiter asked "What tea would you like to drink?"  "Pu-er" My grandmother replied. Then my eyes lit up with happiness! (I wonder why I just never asked...) My hometown, being a small town, had no Chinese or any Asian supermarkets nearby but now, being in Manchester, I have easy access to Chinese supermarkets!  This container full of tea cost me £3.30. Initially, I thought that it was pretty expensive and having other items to purchase as well, I had to keep count of how much I was spending as I had very limited cash on me (I'm a card carrying kind of gal ;P) and the supermarket only takes cash. (Are all Asian supermarkets like that?!)  Anyway, I now realized that the tea will last f...

Beauty in Manchester!

Hi Hi! I've only just realized how beautiful the architecture in Manchester is. It seems wherever I walk the buildings always look so well-built. So... I thought I'd take my daily walk around the familiar streets. I Love this picture - I think it sort of feels like a mystery >.< I did actually edit the pictures so you could see them with more clarity but half of them got lost when I saved it (well, It's just in a folder I can't seem to locate - typical me T.T) but do not fret, I WILL FIND THEM!! Now, Manchester is mainly known for their football teams; Manchester United & Mancheter City (I can't share my thoughts on this topic since I'm nt a football fan and know nothing about it 😬) and the university accommodating 40,000+ students.  As you may have guessed, with this many students the nightlife is great! Ranging from so many different pubs and clubs found all over Manchester.  I live in the city centre a...

Green smoothie & Fruit smoothie!

Hellloooooo! I must say, I have a love for fruit and also a big fan of vegetables too! So what better way to have them than putting them together and blending it up! YUM! (please say yum ahaa) Earlier today I went down to Tesco and bought a whole load of fruit and veg and decided that i'll just experiment and mash thing together in a blender and hopefully it'll taste good! Green smoothies are a great way to introduce or just get greens into your diet. (Especially if you have a fussy child who doesn't like to eat vegetables.) Imaged below, I have shown three smoothies but the two shots of the green smoothie look pretty similar T.T but the consistency was slightly different. Green Smoothie with scrambled egg. (It was my breakfast)  Berry Smoothie The green smoothieeeee All I have to say is that if you haven't tried it yet, GO TRY IT! They are absolutely delicious!! Look how pretty it looks too!  Smoothie 1: 1/2 avocado (Thickens whilst adding goo...

The process of aging T.T

Wassupp my fellow readers, I'm here today to relieve some of my thoughts so I guess this is a post where I just type anything that comes to mind. >.< As we all know very well, no-one stays the same for their whole life we all 'age'. Mentally and physically. The only way is forward and we just have to accept the facts. To be honest, the thought of the future somewhat scares me and I'm sure that i'm not the only one who thinks like this. Even the simplest thing like the coming exams trigger me off to think of the future, maybe further than I should be looking. I'm not too sure where I'm going with this post so I will leave it there. ^^ I do believe the saying "Whatever happens, happens for a reason." Whether I'm finding the reason for it making sense or whether there is that little something called' fate', we can always get around the problem because someway along the road, the sun is shining for you.